Miter saws were created to be able to cut miter joints. It is time-consuming and difficult to do so by hand and thus, the miter saw was born out of necessity. ...
If using a stapler to hold a bunch of papers in one file is something you’ve done before, it’s basically the same as using a staple gun. A staple gun is a much ...
While handheld drills are known for being lightweight and portable, there are a few limits to how much power it can actually yield. Because of the range of ...
The use of table saws has been making woodworking easier for do-it-yourselfers and professionals alike. This guide is meant for users of all skill levels who ...
Large sheets of plywood are challenging to work with. Sometimes that even with a lot of support for outfeed, it is not enough and could still end up with a lot ...
This is an example to generate random number with CD4017 IC. To use this circuit you must have fast clock generator circuit connect to S1 of CD4017. CD4017 ...
This is the first example that you should to know how to set output pin. In this example, GPO is set as an output. LED1 will be turn-on when GP0 is set high ...
This project is 6" seven-segment.All segments consist of fourteen 5mm super bright LEDs except dot segment it use only 4 LEDs.I design this project use for ...
This is a two-in-one PIC programmer and Experiment board for 40 pin PIC Micro devices.It easy to developt your program without insert/remove PIC micro.You just ...
Updated on: February 20, 2019 The Introduction This guide will certainly show you how to make use of a digital multimeter (DMM), an indispensable device that ...