Oscilloscope Projects

Soundcard Oscilloscope

The Soundcard Oscilloscope receives its data from the Soundcard with 44.1kHz and 16 Bit resolution. The data source can be selected in the Windows mixer (Microphone, Line-In or Wave). The frequency range depends on the sound card, but 20-20000Hz should be possible with all modern cards. The low frequency end is limited by the AC coupling of the line-in signal. Be aware, that most microphone inputs are only mono. Donwload from link below

A simple two channels USB oscilloscope

This submini USB scope is based on a Atmel Tiny45. It has 2 analog inputs and can supply 5V ont the 4 pins header on the right. One of the inputs can be scaled down with the trim pot.The firmware in the Tiny45 is written in C and compiled with Winavr and usb source code from obdev

The ยตSCOPE : A poorman’s oscilloscope

The result summarized on this web page is a fully functional (memory)scope that samples the analogue input signal and subsequently displays it on a normal TV. Unfortunately the ยตSCOPE works only on 625 line PAL standard TVs, and It was never the intention to build a sophisticated measurement instrument. Nevertheless, signals up to a few kHz are reasonably well displayed by this simple circuit that can be build for only a few euro

Solid State Oscilloscope

It uses a matrix of 100 LED’s for a display, and does suffer from being slow and having rather poor resolution. Still we could display a sine wave running at 500Hz without trouble, that that’s not all that dissimilar to commercial solid state osscilloscopes.The circuit displays an understanding of the mechanics of displaying an analogue waveform. The timebase is simply a 555 generating a horizontal sweep, while the vertical amplifier is 3914 with a trimpot on the front. It’s extremely simple, but it works


Digital Oscilloscope

his is a student project from Cornell University.It designed by Reid Gurnee.He writes:
